Instead, we will lovingly follow the truth at all times—speaking truly, dealing truly, living truly—and so become more and more in every way like Christ who is the Head of his body, the Church. Ephesians 4:15 TLB Recently, I received a comment on an older post, Guard Your Mouth R-Rated Version. Below is a portion … Continue reading Speak Up →
Love keeps no record of wrongs. 1 Corinthians 13:5 NIV I think it has already long been established that I am “just not right in the head”. But just in case you need more proof—There we were discussing our Bible study questions when suddenly, I began to hear in my head The King of Calypso, Harry Belafonte, singing … Continue reading The Tallyman →
Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another—showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God’s way. Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us. (2 Timothy 3:16-17 MSG)