To Richard With Love

 The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” Genesis 2:18

to richard,

i just want to say, as we celebrate our 25th anniversary, how grateful i am that God put us together. we have never loved like…


bogey and bacall in to have and have not,











burt lancaster and deborah kerr in from here to eternity,









or clark gable and vivien leigh in gone with the wind.











. . . well, maybe a little like ricky and lucy!









but i have to concur with the lyrics to pat terry’s song, happy man.

“i have never really loved the way i saw it in the movies. . . but i’ve been a happy (wo)man!”


i love your heart.

i love your integrity and how you seek Christ and righteousness.

i love the humility you have shown in your successes

and the courage you  have shown in your failures.

i love the perseverance and steadfastness you have shown in life’s challenges that have come our way.

i love your quiet strength, stability and confidence.

i love your words of gentleness that you always exhibit, even during times when we disagree.

i love the way you make me laugh.

i love the way we have fun and enjoy being together.

i love that your favorite ice cream flavor is vanilla. (i did think that was a little weird when we were first dating and that is what you picked out of 31 flavors. But now i know it means that you aren’t very demanding and you are easy to please!)

i love that you eat my cooking without ever a complaint. (You even eat my Tuna Casserole–i don’t even eat my Tuna Casserole!)

i love the way you manage our finances. You never overspend and yet you are generous to others.

i love that for 25 years without fail, you have led our ‘family devotions’ even when they were ‘family commotions’!

i love that in everything that matters, i can trust you. (Not so much with picking clothes that match or getting all the items on the grocery list 🙂 )

i love that you have been a godly example of a husband, father, pastor and friend.

most of all, i love that i can still say you are the most like Jesus of anyone i know! even after 25 years!

with all my love, this song is for you! lh


“JUST SAY KNOW” Bible Study

This week, the Bible reading is scripture that has got us through 25 years of marriage! Click on the link below for this week’s Bible Study.

To Richard With Love

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is an aspiring Bounty Hunter who is always looking for God's Bounty-- His grace and goodness-- in the mundane and melancholy as well as in the miraculous. She is also a wife, mother of four adult children--two with Cerebral Palsy, grandmother and minister of the Gospel. "You crown the year with a bountiful harvest; even the hard pathways overflow with abundance." Psalm 65:11 NLT

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